Not A Recipe: Salmon Soba Noodle Salad

January 23, 2018
If you're looking for a detailed recipe list + measurements + stir this pot counterclockwise 15 times while standing on one foot, this isn't the blog for you. I learned to cook by instincts and my watching my Aunts and they have mastered recipes that have been handed down for generations. A lot of times these "recipes" are executed by memory, instinct and tasting the food (the best part).  As a result, I cook in the same manner. A lot of times I'm just making shit up. In the off chance I do use a recipe, it's because I don't know how to cook a certain ingredient and I don't want to f*ck it up. I also use recipes for inspiration, then I will completely change them to my specific tastes. For instance, any recipe that calls for lime, I will 99.9% of the time use a lemon (they're cheaper, bigger and you get more juice out of them).

With all that being said, here's not a recipe for a delish soba noodle salad I pulled out of my hat yesterday. And when I say pulled out of my hat, I mean I was too lazy to go to the grocery store and too broke to order Seamless. So a girl had to improvise. I always try to have some fish in the freezer + an assortment of fresh veggies. I'll most likely always have arugula and radishes in my fridge. And thanks to a recent (and not so cost affective) Poke bowl obsession, I now keep a bag of shelled edamame in my freezer. Mix all those ingredients together and this masterpiece was born.

is your mouth watering yet?!?

This bad boy was fresh, easy to make and so damn delicious! And in the time it takes to order and WAIT for $34 worth of Chinese food, I was shoveling this salad down my throat.

In this not recipe, I used:
  • 2 small radishes sliced thin
  • Frozen shelled edamame (I didn't measure just poured into boiling water)
  • Whatever Soba Noodles I had left
  • 2 fistfulls of washed and hand torn arugula
  • Tiny sliver of red pepper than was on it's way to glory
  • Ponzu Sauce
  • Lemon Juice
  • Shichimi Togarashi (a delicious spicy Japanese condiment that includes dried seaweed + spices)
  • Left over pan yumminess from some shishito peppers I fried in sesame oil
  • Small Filet of Salmon that I marinated in garlic seasoning from Costco 

To make this salad, put your oven on the broil setting and wait for it to heat up. In the meantime, add the noodles to a boiling pot of water and boil until they rise to the top. Soba is a go-to for me when I'm STARVING and don't want to wait too long for noodles to cook. They cook very quickly so keep and eye on them. Once done, use tongs to take them out of the hot water, rinse them in cold water and place in a bowl.

Add the arugula, radishes and red pepper to the noodles(you can also add whatever veggies you like to eat cold or have in the house). Add a splash of ponzu sauce and lemon juice to the noodles and veggies and mix evenly.  Set aside. 

Drizzle the salmon with olive oil and place under the broiler until flaky. I like to use the broiler for small pieces of fish. It cooks it so evenly and quickly. Again...very helpful for those days when you are starving. 

Using the same water from the noodles, drop in the frozen edamame and cook for about 3-4 minutes. I had also made shishito peppers so there was a cast iron pan with salt, lemon juice and shichimi togarashi waiting. Once the edamame is done, add a bit more sesame oil to a cast iron pan and cook until coated in pan yumminess. Add to the noodles and veggies and toss. 

Once the salmon is done, pop it directly on the salad and top with a bit more lemon juice, ponzu and shichimi togarashi. 

Et voila! You just made a dope ass meal for less than $10 (counting the salmon cuz those bad boys ain't cheap)

This not recipe is so great because you can improvise with whatever you have in your pantry and keep it fresh and bright with fresh veggies, citrus (Ponzu is a citrus soy sauce and is DAMN delicious) and broiled salmon. Honestly, if I'd had an avocado, that would've gone on there too. 

There you have it guys! Let me know if you try this not recipe out and what changes you made to it. My favorite part about cooking is improvisation so go wild!!

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